
in the last two days...

chilled summer white

cookies and cream (homemade)



high blood pressure


sixth gear


universal remote

well it's morning and i made it to the weekend. wanted to quickly jot down the latest happenings as a way of keeping up with the new blog adventure.

yesterday. trapezeied. trapezed. trapezied. i think you get it. in any event went for a flight on a high-up trapeze yesterday. almost 30 feet up. the experience was definitely adventurous. the instruction was lax. i want to go again, just someplace else.

came home wiped out from the day, having yoga'd and trapeze'd and traffic sat'd. and the funk reared its ugly head. i think i was fooling myself to think in one of the last few posts that it was gone. i just pushed it down deep so as not to deal. don't get me wrong, i am usually genuinely happy even as emotions fester beneath. but then the bottled up grit and grime pushes back until i boil over. hence the funk, with the tears and frustration.

in the funk of the day and into the evening, when i lost count of how many $4 mai tai's i'd consumed in an effort to snap out of my funk and be social, the better half was using the words he knows how to use for comfort and support. but then stubborn ol' me couldn't get past the funk. it's a hard thing for me to do. it's not out of spite. i just have a hard time changing channels. i'm like the old remoteless teevee whose watcher needs to break gravity if he/she wants to watch something else. as that old teevee, i wait and wait until something happens to switch over. i wish i was a newer model perhaps with a universal remote that could do more. and herein lies the funk.

but wait. thankfully i have great friends in my life. who offer words of encouragement (including the better half). and make me feel less of a failure. and propel me to be the universal remote.


thursday wind-down

busy day=tired me.

art lessons.

hair cut/color (2 hours) and got stuck in the parking garage. TWICE. no fault of my own...locked stairwell and slow exit attendant.


traffic on the drive home.



nagging for adventure. i despise being a nag. humph.


mid week adventures

thank goodness i started a daily (so far) blog because it is helping me to remember what day of the week it is. to recap today...

...it all started nice and sunny. one more round of pearl jam ticket purchasing and i was off...

...to a free puppet show AND bonus free art project for kids with a friend and her kids. the art project was fun (and amusing), and i adore those kids. it was gloriously hot. and soon became too hot and we departed for cool temps...

...hit the mall-kid-play-area-thing. i can see why parents like it. however, i'm not convinced i will be a parent who allows my kid to partake (for health and physical safety reasons). and after about an hour of that, departed for kid-free adventuring...

...bought an ice cream maker at bedbathandbeyondblahblahblah that attaches to my kitchenaid stand mixer. love that bb&b for their superfluously flowing coupons (no love for the environmental impact). because of coupons, totally scored the ice cream maker. and the bonus is that the attachment is a bowl that keeps nicely in the freezer and doesn't take up additional counter space. so looking forward to the first batch. downside: have to wait 15 hours before the attachment bowl is ready. looks like we'll be having ice cream at 7 tomorrow morning. upside: i can dig ice cream for breakfast...

...i'll let you readers know how it goes...but that probably won't be until TGIFriday...



today's adventures (in the hot hot heat)

got up a bit too early for my liking (strange because i am a self-proclaimed morning person. just not this morning).

made some tea. how unusual. (sarcasm)

departed for teaching some art...winding through the canyon...heat not so hot yet.

made some art. drawing. painting. sculpting. and was treated to some deliciously strong italian coffee. yum yum.

departed for home with big hopes of going to yoga and food shopping...winding back through the canyon...heat blazing. needed to stop home first to purchase pearl jam tickets.

no food shopping. no yoga. too hot. kept it cool by lounging in the cool darkness of the living room. no teevee but plenty of technology. and so began the first adventure of navigating through pearl jam's website to purchase said tickets. argh. big argh. thankfully successful albeit very stressful.

no food shop. no yoga. chatted with recently emigrated los angeleno friend for about an hour...could've gone on forever. great conversation. funny. stimulating. wish she were here.

booked hotel room block for the better half's 40 (in february)...needs planning. can't wait.

and am left to feel the anticipation of friday's big adventure...stay tuned...


bonus day

today seems to have fully freed yesterday's funk.

the better half took a vacation day. FINALLY!

but that doesn't mean we are laying around with nothin' doin'. rather it has been quite busy and it's only 1pm PDT. to recap the morning events...

awoke and had tea made for me. (that never happens on a monday; already today was off to a great start).

followed the better half to drop his car bright and early at the mechanic. an honest and fair-priced guy who specializes in only the better half's make=money saved.

departed in one car and stopped for some more 'free' coffee (courtesy of the lovely starbucks gift cards floating in my wallet).

arrived home to meet the now beloved fence contractor. privacy in the near future/victory all around.

cleaned the house (swept; laundered; brushed pip outside=quite funny to observe her inside tendencies/bitching to get back inside)=productivitiy all around and free (having yet to hire a housekeeper). yeah yeah, time is money but for now i'm okay with investing my time to clean because i seem to have a lot of time on my hands lately.

gave myself a glorious facial without having to leave the house nor shell out cash.

observed the better half in his glory accomplishing his hit list for the day.

began planning an inexpensive road trip for the end of summer as well as the better half's upcoming (well, in seven months. what? it needs planning) 40th birthday bash. and an early start to this planning will hopefully prevent a last minute quest for cash.

next up:
start my next read "fingersmith" by sarah waters

all in all i think the funk has bid adieu.


sunday funkday

in a funk.

summer boredom.

gone are the upbeat posts beginning just a few days back.

i am the type of person who, when in a funk has a hard time turning it around. so in my attempt to maintain an adventurous blog, i will gloriously attempt to remove the 'k' from 'funk'...hence becoming sunday funday.

woke up late today. felt good to sleep in. looking to plan a getaway (more on that soon).

made delicious organic roast beef sandwiches with organic cranberry relish, spicy mustard, and organic watercress on pretty yummy grainy bread from the last trip to the farmer's market. recipe courtesy bon appetit.

the rest of today's adventures are to be determined but will most likely include but are not limited to:
a summer cocktail


a saturday life

woke a bit too early for my liking while on vacation. but on the bright side, it got me out of bed and ready to attack the day.

made some tea.

watered the basil, the rosemary, the thyme, the oregano, and the happy succulent garden i planted yesterday. i think i might be finding my green thumb...oh how i have tried, and waited...it might just have arrived.

adventured out. no traffic=happy ride.

impromptu breakfast (consisting of splitting french toast and huevos rancheros) with a friend. no wait in the normally-busy little cafe=great breakfast experience...until i flipped my sour cream-laden fork onto my lap. oh well. a little water whisked it away. and i had coffee. a rare treat and what a treat it is when i treat myself to it. savoring.

had a first go at a potential business adventure. many kinks to work out, but i think we might have something.

drove home in sweltering heat with little traffic=elation. as opposed to sitting in 100 degree temps on black asphalt emanating the absorbed heat from the day.

came home with some last needed items from the market that will certainly make for great dinners this week. and then proceeded to make such a great dinner (orecchiette with heirloom tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, fresh herbs [thank you, green thumb], and a balsamic vinaigrette with a side of steamed asparagus).

caught a lizard. and released it. that was a bit adventurous. okay, maybe not so much. but to me, exciting, because those guys are fast!


thursday (with a dash of friday)

more kid stuff. good times. extra cash=always great.

farmer's market. even gooder times. inexpensive, locally grown produce=supporting local business=always greater.
went to the thousand oaks farmer's market. beautiful day. warm breeze. plenty of parking. friendly farmers. no pushy people. bought six succulents for five bucks and the grower gave me fact sheets for each. yeah sure...more paper. but i'll use it in some artsy way.

headed toward home. great music. adore my vehicle (yes, oxymoronic to travel by car to the farmer's market); it's relatively economical and fun and feels super, especially in sixth gear.

treated myself to an iced latte using a gift card. thankful for that.

arrived home. unpacked goods. luxuriated with my coffee and a so-far-fun current read, Call Me By Your Name. super sexy.

probably won't have time to post tomorrow. so here's the plan...

carpool in the morning. yes i am on vacation but the better half works on the same side of town i am headed (why not save gas and money)=quality time together. awwww.

head to the library or grab some cheap eats at teddy's cafe. total greasy spoon. delicious bacon. independently owned and operated.

teach an art lesson to a couple of pretty cool kids.

go get a yummy pedicure (one of my vices, yet thrifty comparatively).

hang out at the beach, most likely (hopefully with another good read. next up No One Belongs Here More Than You by Miranda July). hey, FREE (so long as i continue to return my books on time)! i can park a ways a way and walk=save on exorbitant summer beach/tourist parking rates.

support a fellow artist friend in the evening. FREE! (except for the drinks later, most likely).

so all in all, another couple of sort-of adventurous days. at least in a relaxed adventure state. maybe that should be the name of this blog, the relaxed adventurer. will up the adventure ante in the near future...



welcome to my new blogging adventure. differing from my first blog endeavor, here i decided to try my hand at google adsense. we'll see. any way to bring in some money is okay by me. i also have been pulling some extra work lately--art lessons here and there, housesitting, babysitting. feels good to add to the kitty. recently reclaimed my love of the local library (though i do enjoy the smell and purchase of new books. sigh). but hey, why not reuse something? it's good for the environment and better for my wallet.

it's a gorgeous day in los angeles. one of those ideal summer days where the heat hasn't yet peaked. in a little while i'll be adventuring out among the concrete jungle. lunch plans. kid plans (the aforementioned babysitting). swim plans (by then the heat will have certainly peaked). dinner plans. ending with a late night plan to plan out a little adventure later in the month with my better half.

though this first entry may not contain the most adventurous stories...stay tuned.