
a saturday life

woke a bit too early for my liking while on vacation. but on the bright side, it got me out of bed and ready to attack the day.

made some tea.

watered the basil, the rosemary, the thyme, the oregano, and the happy succulent garden i planted yesterday. i think i might be finding my green thumb...oh how i have tried, and waited...it might just have arrived.

adventured out. no traffic=happy ride.

impromptu breakfast (consisting of splitting french toast and huevos rancheros) with a friend. no wait in the normally-busy little cafe=great breakfast experience...until i flipped my sour cream-laden fork onto my lap. oh well. a little water whisked it away. and i had coffee. a rare treat and what a treat it is when i treat myself to it. savoring.

had a first go at a potential business adventure. many kinks to work out, but i think we might have something.

drove home in sweltering heat with little traffic=elation. as opposed to sitting in 100 degree temps on black asphalt emanating the absorbed heat from the day.

came home with some last needed items from the market that will certainly make for great dinners this week. and then proceeded to make such a great dinner (orecchiette with heirloom tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, fresh herbs [thank you, green thumb], and a balsamic vinaigrette with a side of steamed asparagus).

caught a lizard. and released it. that was a bit adventurous. okay, maybe not so much. but to me, exciting, because those guys are fast!

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